Community Pubs Passport Scheme 1 April to 31 July 2017
Tendring CAMRA have arranged with 49 real ale & cider pubs in the district to participate in a "passport" scheme. Collect a stamp on your passport at each pub you visit between 1 April and 31 July.
- If you collect 8 or more, you can have free admission and festival glass at either the Clacton Real Ale & Cider Festival (August) or the Harwich & Parkeston Winter Ales Festival (November).
- If you collect 16 or more, you also get a free pint at the same festival
- If you collect 24 or more, you will get a further free pint at the same festival
- If you collect 32 or more, you will get a further free pint at the same festival and entry in a prize draw on the Saturday afternoon of the festival. Winners in 2016 were Graham at Clacton and Stella at Harwich who each won an engraved tankard.
The passports will be available from the following participating pubs on or before 1st April.
Note: We had hoped to include the Lion at Ardleigh on this year's passport but due to a combination of circumstances we were unable to confirm them before going to press. You might want to call in while passing anyway.
Still reading and a publican or regular pub goer?
If you have any events that you would like us to help publicise, please let us know using the email link below. We aim to schedule publicity tweets 7 days and 1 day before such events occur which also update this website and our Facebook page.
E-mail us details of an event.
Copyright © 2017 - Tendring Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale - All rights reserved.