Tendring CAMRA - RambAle 14 - White Hart, Weeley Heath to Old Lifeboat House, Clacton
The route
Details coming soon.
Estimated timings
Based on previous RambAles estimates are based on 4km per hour, with a half hour stop per pub.
Arrive at the White Hart for opening at noon and start walking at 12:30
Estimate 45 minutes to the Blacksmiths Arms, so arrive about 13:15 and leave at 13:45
Estimate 45 minutes to Smugglers Cove, so arrive about 14:30 and leave at 15:00
Estimate 40 minutes to Queens Arms, so arrive about 15:40 and leave at 16:10
Estimate 20 minutes to Old Lifeboat House, so arrive about 16:30
Approximate distances:
- White Hart, Weeley Heath to Blacksmiths Arms, Little Clacton 2.5km 1.5mi
- Blacksmiths Arms, Little Clacton to Smugglers Cove, Clacton 2.8km 1.7mi
- Smugglers Cove, Clacton to Queens Arms, Clacton 2.2km 1.4mi
- Queens Arms, Clacton to Old Lifeboat House, Clacton 1.1km 0.7mi
Getting to Weeley Heath
From Clacton at the time of writing the X76 has a bus that should arrive at the White Hart stop just before noon.
From Harwich the options seem to be get off at Plough Corner and walk the last bit to the White Hart, or get an early bus in to Clacton, have a Wetherspoons breakfast at the Moon & Starfish, then get the X76 bus mentioned above.
Getting home from the Old Lifeboat House
For Harwich at the time of writing the number 3 bus leaves at 17:15 and 18:15
Use the Traveline SE website to work out available routes.
Route documents
To follow
Alternative Routes
When planning this walk, between Little Clacton and Clacton there were a number of choices of routes. A Facebook poll in the branch's Facebook Group was used to choose the route described above. These are the other options considered.
- Blacksmiths Arms - Smugglers Cove - Robin Hood - Ship - Queens Arms
- Blacksmiths Arms - Smugglers Cove - Robin Hood - Queens Arms
- Blacksmiths Arms - Smugglers Cove - Ship - Queens Arms
- Blacksmiths Arms - Robin Hood - Ship - Queens Arms
- Blacksmiths Arms - Robin Hood - Queens Arms
- Blacksmiths Arms - Ship - Queens Arms
The following sections describe the optional routes between pubs that you can join as required to make your own route (shown as dotted routes on the map above).