Tendring CAMRA - RambAle 19 - Maybush (Great Oakley) to Harwich via Ramsey
The route
Walking boots with ankle support are strongly recommended for the section of walk from the Maybush to the Castle.
Turn left out of the Maybush and follow the lane until there is a concrete farm track to the left signposted as a public footpath. Follow this until it almost meets the main road, then turn right on the inside of the field until you reach the corner where there is a footpath signposted through the trees our of the field. Take care here as it comes out onto the main road. Turn right following the verge until the corner, and cross when safe to reach the signposted footpath. Follow this footpath until it reaches Little Oakley where the speed limit drops to 30 mph and turn left to reach Ye Olde Cherry Tree
When you leave Ye Olde Cherry Tree turn left into Rectory Road, and where the road bends left, take the public footpath straight on under the willow tree across the fields. The path joins a bridleway towards the bottom of the hill - turn right to follow the bridleway which becomes Rectory Lane and comes out roughly opposite Ramsey War Memorial Hall. Cross Church Hill carefully and follow the footpath left to cross the A120 one half at a time. After crossing the footbridge cross the road carefully to reach the Castle.
After leaving the Castle, retrace your steps as far as the War Memorial Hall and carry on up Church Hill keeping to the pavement on the left. This becomes Ramsey Road at the top of the hill as far as the Tollgate roundabout when it becomes Main Road. When you reach the green use the footpath to join the section of road that provides access to the houses and follow this to the Trafalgar.
From the Trafalgar turn left and follow Main Road (which becomes High Street as you reach Dovercourt town centre). Note, when you cross Parkeston Road, if the traffic is busy there is a new zebra crossing a short way down Parkeston Road. At Dovercourt, either optionally call at the Bottle Kiln by diverting a short way up Kingsway, or continue along High Street (which becomes Main Road again after Cliff Park) following the road until you reach Harwich. Estimated distances are to the junction of Main Road, West Street and Wellington Road. From here there are many fine Harwich pubs to try in whatever time remains.
Estimated timings
As usual timings are based on 4km/hour walking with half an hour stop at each pub.
Based on bus times for 18th September the 3 from Harwich should reach Great Oakley at 12:03 and from Clacton at 12:16.
Leave the Maybush at 12:45, for a 3.1km walk to Ye Olde Cherry Tree, which will take about 45 minutes, so arrive about 13:30
Leave Ye Olde Cherry Tree at 14:00 for a 1.9km walk to the Castle in Ramsey, which will take about 30 minutes, so arrive about 14:30
Leave the Castle at 15:00 for 2.7km to the Trafalgar, which will take about 45 minutes, so arrive about 15:45
Leave the Trafalgar at 15:45 for either a direct walk to Harwich taking about 1 hour, or with an optional stop at the Bottle Kiln adding an extra half an hour for the stop
So arrive Harwich about 16:45, or 17:15 with the optional stop
Buses back to Clacton on 18th September should leave from the Harwich Town Station stop at 18:05 and 19:05. Trains back leave at 26 minutes past the hour but require changes at Manningtree and Colchester, with a scheduled journey time of 78 minutes.
Approximate distances:
- Maybush to Ye Olde Cherry Tree: 3.1km / 1.9mi
- Ye Olde Cherry Tree to Castle: 1.9km / 1.2mi
- Castle to Trafalgar: 2.7km / 1.7mi
- Trafalgar to Bottle Kiln: 2.1km / 1.3mi
- Bottle Kiln to Harwich (near High Lighthouse): 1.1km / 0.7mi
- Totals: 11km (due to rounding this doesn't match the individual distances mentioned above - without the Bottle Kiln diversion, deduct 0.2km for 10.8km) / 6.8mi (6.7mi without diversion)
Getting to Great Oakley
Estimated times are based on using the number 3 bus. For those starting towards Harwich other options are available. Try this journey planner.
Hedingham's timetable for the 3 is currently available here
Route documents
To follow